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In the morning, Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of New South Wales received Mr Michael Coleman, Principal, and the students of Dareton Public School, together with Mr Corey Tutt, Chief Executive Officer of Deadly Science, in a call conducted by video link.

Afterwards, as Patron, the Governor participated in a morning tea hosted by the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute for patients and carers, conducted via video link. For further information, visit:

Later, Her Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council, at Government House.

In the afternoon, the Governor, accompanied by Mr Wilson, participated in an online Question and Answer Session and Panel Discussion as part of Jindal Global Law School’s Summit on Global Judges: Globalisation of Judging.

Later, Her Excellency attended a Government House Sydney Christmas gathering to recognise volunteer guides at Government House.

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